Wednesday 22 December 2010


no way!!! it must be just fate that the fact even though we went all the way, IN THE SNOW to STAY 2 NIGHTS in LONDON, we STILL MISSED half the concert. what made it worse was that it was Beethoven same like last time, we always miss Beethoven, it's like as if a curse cause we love he's compositions, yet we can not see it... 

Sunday 5 December 2010

Phenomenon Concert

Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra

Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1

Tchaikovsky Francesca da Rimini

Respighi Pine of Rome

Arcadi Volodos piano
Riccardo Chailly contacts

Fantastically done concert
very well planned
The sound the orchestra made was very surprising
Unlike the normal way we would think a orchestra makes
Leipzig Gewandhaus's playing
produced the most fascinating sound
It was very gentle
( nearly believing that it was a recording)
Loved Respighi's Pine of Rome
It is very clever that they made the soloists stand up when they are playing
And with the wonderful sound of birds
It rounded up the night
With a feeling of love
floating across the air...